Jersey Water
Jersey Water has developed its long-term Water Resources and Drought Management (WRDM) Plan, covering the 25-year period from 2020 to 2045.The documents on this page are technical appendices to the full report.
150620JW WRMP-DP Appendix A. WRZ Integrity 03042018
JW WRMP-DP Appendix B. Problem Characterisation 160318
JW WRMP-DP Appendix C. Source Yield Assessment 170619
JW WRMP-DP Appendix D. Climate Change Assessment
JW WRMP-DP Appendix E. Demand Forecast
JW WRMP-DP Appendix F. Risk and Resilience 221020
JW WRMP-DP Appendix G. Target Headroom
JW WRMP-DP Appendix H. Drought Management
JW WRMP-DP Appendix I. Options Appraisal
JW WRMP-DP Appendix J. Programme Appraisal and Decision-Making