Lisa Payn,
Head of HR Operations

Lisa Payn came to Jersey on holiday and never left! She was attracted to Jersey Water for its commitment to the environment and sustainability, and to its people.

Great place to live

I came on holiday in 2003 and basically didn’t go home! I knew straightaway that Jersey was somewhere where I could live and bring up my daughter. I’ve since had two more children, and it’s a great place for them to grow up – they love it here. I’m from the Midlands originally, which is a long way from the sea. Here I’m a stone’s throw away!

Strong values and culture

I wanted to work for an organisation that has a strong set of values. Environmental issues and sustainability are core to the company. I was also attracted to working for an organisation that was about providing a service not selling a product. In fact, we’re encouraging people to use less water.

I’ve been really impressed with the overall culture of the organisation. It’s a very supportive environment where everybody genuinely cares about the work they do and the people around them. We work as a team and there’s a lot of collaboration between departments. I’ve also been impressed by the ambition of the company – we have big plans for the future, particularly in keeping Jersey Water a great place to work.

Genuine work-life balance

Even though we’re a 24/7, 365 days a year business, I’ve found the culture here isn’t about long hours and lots of overtime. My role is very different to others who might be on-call or working shifts, but I’ve found it to be very flexible and supportive. I’ve got a busy family life, with two school-age children (my other daughter’s grown up now), so I need time to be a mum too! I’ve even found time for myself here and taken up marathon running! The runs around here are stunning.

Opportunities from the start

I’ve only been here two months, but I’ve been involved in lots of exciting projects right from the start. It’s important to me that I’m given opportunities to be involved in and contributing to meaningful work.

I have found Jersey Water to be a refreshing place to work. I love its approach to keeping people engaged and investing in them. That is down to the culture and the environment, which is supportive and collaborative. And that’s what I believe makes for good workplace.