Advice to protect against cold weather
Winter is often a time when most problems occur. Here are some simple ways to reduce the risk of problems occurring: • Repair dripping taps and faulty ball valves. • Check the lagging on pipes and tanks and improve it where necessary – this will help to stop pipes freezing in the first place. • […]
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Jersey Water and Allez-Oop team up for a waste free Grass Roots
At this year’s Grass Roots Festival, venue hosts Jersey Water and Festival Organisers Allez-Oop, have teamed up to provide festival goers with tap water for the duration of the festival – for just a £1.00. Anyone attending the festival is being invited to purchase a specially designed, reusable water bottle – all proceeds from the […]
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As the North of England faces hosepipe ban : Jersey Water reminds customers not to waste water
This Friday, for the first time in 14 years, a hosepipe ban is to be introduced in most of north-west England. Despite recent rains, the reservoir levels in the region have fallen to less than half their capacity, meaning that restrictions are being put in place to safeguard ‘essential supplies’. Jersey Water would like to […]
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Jersey Water urges everyone not to waste water
Jersey Water asks us all to use water efficiently during unusually dry weather Jersey Water has today launched a public awareness campaign to reduce the volumes of water being used for garden watering. The demand for water in the Island is presently running at 20% above normal levels, which is due to garden watering activities. Managing […]
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Jersey Water Bursary Award for 2010
Applications for the Bursary Award for 2010 now closed.
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Jersey Water publishes 2009 Financial Statements and Water Quality Report
Jersey Water today published its financial statements and water quality report for 2009. The Company has announced profits for 2009 of £4,085,000, an increase of 1.3% on 2008. Revenue for the year increased by 2.4% despite an overall reduction in the volume of water supplied and a below inflation tariff increase in 2009. Operating expenditure […]
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Jersey Water comments on the (draft) Island Plan September 2009
Section 2 – Natural Environment – Coastal National Park We note that the proposal for a Coastal National Park includes the area where Val de la Mare Reservoir is located. This reservoir is the second largest surface water storage reservoir on the Island and is essential for the maintenance of adequate water supply for the […]
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