Although there have been periods of heavy rainfall over the past few days, the Island’s water supplies are still low for this time of year.
60% of the Island’s water is used by domestic customers and we would like to thank our customers for not wasting water. Here are some ways you can help to reduce the amount of water used at home:
Remember: A running tap uses an average of 6 litres of water – per minute
• AVOID using hosepipes or pressure washers that use mains water.
• USE buckets to wash cars and watering cans to water the garden.
DO NOT leave taps running, and use a bowl or put some water in the sink instead, when:
• Brushing teeth
• Shaving
• Washing hands or face
• Preparing food
• Washing up
• CHOOSE to take a shower instead of a bath.
• REDUCE the time spent in the shower & don’t leave the shower running on full capacity at all times.
• ONLY fill kettles to the required amount.
• ONLY put on dishwashers and washing machines when they are full.
• KEEP your eyes and ears open and report any suspected leaks or overflows to Jersey Water on T: 707301 (office hours) or the 24 hour Emergency Line T:707302.
Businesses are also being asked to cut down on non-essential water use, such as ensuring commercial washing machines, dish and glass washers are used as efficiently as possible, lavatory settings are correct, and to ask all staff to reduce wastage of water in the workplace.