Frequently Asked Questions

You will find many of your frequently asked questions on this page, along with our answers. Please contact us if you cannot find the answer you are looking for.
We aim to provide water at the right pressure for your day-to-day use, at a minimum of 2 bar at the Company stop tap and meter. If your water pressure seems low, you should contact a plumber to check that there is no problem with the plumbing in your property, such as a partially closed internal stop tap or a leak.
Pressure can be higher late at night when very little water is being taken from our network and most people’s taps are turned off. In the morning when people are taking a bath or shower, or watering their garden on a hot evening, there is a bigger demand for water which can cause lower pressures.
If you have no water, or your water pressure has dropped so there’s only a trickle coming out of the tap, don’t panic – there may be a burst pipe which is affecting your water supply. You can check our Facebook or Twitter posts for updates or call our emergency number 01534 707302.
Water in Jersey is supplied by metered supplies. Meters provide you with more control of your water usage as you only pay for what you use. Water meters also play a key role in helping to manage the Island’s water supply as well as helping to identify leakage and reduce wastage.
To find out more about metering please click here.
The Jersey Water mains water network currently covers approximately 85% of the Island. The Company extends the mains water network each year connecting more island homes. Our Network team are available to undertake a survey and provide an estimate of costs to connect to the network should you require more information.
If you suspect you have a leak please contact Jersey Water and we can arrange to carry out a leak test, which will be carried out between 4am and 6am in the morning. The test will identify if the leak is the responsibility of Jersey Water or the owner of the property. If the leak is on the mains water network, Jersey Water will repair it.
If it is on the property’s pipework then it is the responsibility of the Owner or Landlord to carry out the repairs. It is advisable to carry out internal checks prior to employing a Plumber, to ensure the leak is not dripping taps, tank or toilet cistern overflows. Once you have identified and fixed the leak, Jersey Water can organise a retest to ensure the leak is repaired.
If the leak is coming from underground, then you may be entitled to a leak allowance (only for domestic customers). You will need to write to us to request a leak allowance for consideration.
To find out more about water leaks please click here.
A cubic meter (m³) is 1,000 litres of water and is the measurement unit used for water billing.
1m 3 = 1000 liters
A cubic metre is equivalent to about 28 showers or 13 baths.
Our Metering Team regularly inspects water meters as part of the reading process and monitors if there is a large increase or decrease in water consumption compared with previous readings.
You can keep up to date on where work is being carried out by clicking here or listening to local traffic updates via Channel 103 and BBC Radio Jersey, or follow us on Twitter.
The colour of water can change if work is being undertaken on mains pipework and the ground is disturbed during repair work – particularly if the pipe work is old. In the first instance, we recommend that you open your taps and let the water run for approximately 30 minutes, as this will often clear any discoloured water that may be ‘sat’ in the water system. If this does not make any difference, please contact our Customer advisors.
If you feel your water has an unusual taste, we can organise for the Laboratory to take a water sample and carry out a test as required.
Please refer to the FAQs on the Water Quality section here.
If you feel that your water bill is far higher than normal, this may indicate that you have a leak and water is being lost. It is worth checking all your taps and toilets for any signs of dripping and checking with your plumber to ensure you do not have a leaks. We can arrange for a meter inspection to be undertaken to determine if your home is losing water.
If you require an explanation about your water bill, our Customer Service team can look up your account details, talk you through each section of your bill, and answer any questions you may have.
You can find out about saving money on your water bill with direct debit here.
Jersey Water can calculate your final bill and open or close an account as required. Please notify us at least five working days before your move.
You can find out more information about moving property here.
There are several walking routes around Queen’s Valley Reservoir, the full circuit is 1.9 miles (3.1 km) – click here to find out more and see the walking routes.
PFASs are man-made chemicals not naturally found in the environment. PFASs (poly and perfluoroalkyl substances, which include PFOS and PFOA) are a group of more than 4,000 different chemicals that are found everywhere in our homes and everyday products. No issues have been identified with the public water supply in Jersey relating to PFAS.
To find out more click here.