Jersey Water has published a specially commissioned children’s story book ‘Water is all around me’.
In the story, a little girl called Lucy and her friend Colin the Crab discover why water is so special and how important it is they protect it. The book is aimed primarily at three- to five-year-olds but the message transcends age, as no one wants to live in a world without water.
Jersey Water will be launching the book in Island schools and nurseries with live story-telling sessions delivered by two local actresses Estelle and Sophie Le Brun from Ever After Entertainment. They will be bringing the characters of Lucy and Colin the Crab to life. The children will enjoy interactive games using actions and phrases from the book to reiterate the message save water. Each child will receive a copy of the book to take home with them.
Children can spot lots of local landmarks such as Mont Orgueil Castle, Corbière Lighthouse and Val de la Mare Reservoir as well as learning the process of how water travels from sky to tap. Lucy and Colin explore all the places water is used at home and the different states water can appear in. The duo explain how children and their families and friends can save water.
Zӧe Hibbs Marketing and Communications Manager at Jersey Water said, “We are delighted to be able to bring the important message of how precious water is to children with our Storybook. Jersey Water is supplying the water for our Island to thrive today and every day and in order to do this, we all need to work together. Children are our future generation so the earlier we can get them forming good habits, the better.”
For more information, please see Children’s Storybook ‘Water is all around me’